Posty Cards Blog


Top 5 Ways to Show Your Employees Appreciation

It is a simple fact that employees enjoy going to work more when they feel appreciated by their employer. Employees who enjoy their work are more productive, provide better customer service and miss fewer work days. So, why not boost morale and give recognition to your employees?

Most employers understand the importance of employee relations but don’t know where to start. If you’re one of those bosses with the nagging feeling that you should be doing more to encourage your team, here are a few tips on how to show your employees appreciation.

5 Tips on How to Improve Teamwork in the Workplace

Did you ever hear the saying "Teamwork makes the dream work?" We are constantly in situations in which we need to work with others - relationships, sports teams, and most importantly work. In the workplace, we are surrounded by individuals who have a common goal to make the company better. To accomplish a goal as a group requires working as a TEAM. Here are a few proven strategies for improving team chemistry at work.