


Posty Cards Guarantee

We want you to be happy with your order from Posty Cards. If you're not 100% satisfied, just call 1-800-821-7968 or e-mail and our Customer Service Department will work with you to resolve any issues.

Return Policy

We strive to ship only quality, error free merchandise but occasionally mistakes happen. Don’t worry, we offer free returns or exchanges within 30 days of receiving your order. Please open and inspect orders as soon as you receive them.

Defective items

If you receive a defective item including imprinting errors that are our fault, we will replace your order immediately. If a return is necessary, we’ll pay for the shipping.

If a printing or order error results from your mistake, we are happy to redo your order at a discounted rate plus shipping charges. 

Returns and exchanges

If you change your mind about a product, ship it back to us within 30 days of receiving your order and we will refund or exchange your items.  Unless you were shipped an item in error, shipping charges will apply to replacement items.

Please note the following exceptions:

*Imprinted items without errors cannot be returned or exchanged.

*Items returned after 30 days are subject to 25% restocking fees.

*Refunds issued for items returned after 30 days will be in the form of store credit.

*After 6 months, items cannot be returned or exchanged.

*Discontinued items received more than 30 days prior cannot be returned or exchanged.

For a refund or replacement order, please follow these steps:

1. Call Customer Service at 800-821-7968 or email to advise us of the problem. If a return is necessary to proceed, you will receive a return authorization number.

2. If you are advised to return any portion of your order, please complete and print the return form. Include the form with your shipment along with the packing slip that came with your order.

3. If possible, return your order in its original packaging.

4. Keep copies of all correspondence until you receive a replacement or refund.

5. Ship your return to the address below. For your convenience, you can print the return label.

Download and Print