Posty Cards Case Study - Linda Bristow


Linda Bristow,
Independent Insurance Broker

The Challenge

Linda Bristow is currently an Independent Insurance Broker in North Carolina, specializing in the Medicare/Senior market. When she started in 1985, she needed a way to grow and maintain her book of business.


Linda has used Posty Cards for over 30 years. She worked at MetLife where she heard about Posty Cards from a colleague. Since the day she started insurance in July 1985, she has always sent birthday cards to her clients and their families.

Linda has also used Thanksgiving cards, Christmas cards, 4th of July cards, Thank you notes, and Congratulations cards for various events. She tends to pick out sympathy cards on an individual, personal basis.

The Results

Linda maintains high retention rates and credits some of her success to the use of greeting cards. “Children in my practice have grown up expecting to see my card in their mail. I address in calligraphy so they know what it is. I believe sending these cards helps my high retention rate. Let's folks know you're thinking of them during the year not just at AEP or policy anniversaries. I have never had anything but positive responses from clients. Some have even called to thank me.”

Linda feels that it is courteous and a good business practice to send out Thank You Notes after a Medicare sale is written as well as a personal note to go along with the pre-printed card.

Linda concluded by saying “I have always been pleased with your service and products, and have been a loyal customer since 1985!”