Posty Cards Case Study - Anthony Iannone


Anthony Iannone, Investment Advisor

The Challenge

Shortly after Anthony Iannone started his investment advisory business, he was looking for a way to keep his name in front of his customers on a regular basis in a warm and friendly way. He wanted his customers - as well as their family and friends - to know about the services he could offer them, and he wanted a good way to remain connected to customers that he didn't see on a regular basis.


Anthony is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) in Norwalk, Connecticut, who has been serving clients since 1978. He has multiple credentials in the investment industry (ChFC, CIC, LUTCF), and in addition to providing his clients with financial advice and guiding them toward retirement, he also helps them select the most appropriate life insurance for their family's needs. About five years into his business, Anthony began using Posty Cards to stay in touch with his clients and their family members.

The Results

According to Anthony, "I don’t know the exact number of customers that Posty Cards has helped me retain, but I do know that I have a 95% retention rate since my fifth year in the business and that I have qualified for Million Dollar Round Table all of those years. That is when I started using Posty Cards. Coincidence? I don’t believe so!"

A Powerful Way to Connect with Customers

Anthony says that when he is with a client and meets family members or friends, the client always introduces him by explaining that Anthony handles all of the family's insurance plans and investments. He says clients often mention, "Oh, if you do business with Tony, you will get a birthday card from him every year. He even sends them to your children; he never forgets."

"I have not kept exact track, but I would say that - more times than I can remember - a customer who has received a birthday card from me will call to thank me, and then proceed to ask me if I do 401K rollovers, education plans for a child/grandchild, and so on. Sending Posty Cards has been a simple way for me to go that extra step to show clients that I really care about them and their families, and that really makes me feel good."

Business "Stays on the Books"

Anthony said he includes a handwritten note in each and every card, so when he looks new prospects in the eye and tells them no other advisor will care for them and their family more than he will, he really means it. He feels it, and the proof speaks for itself: he writes a lot of business. It is business that stays on the books, and his clients are happy campers.

"I can't even count the number of clients' children that I now have as clients. They contact me when they get old enough to purchase their own plans because they got that first birthday card from me, and they received one every year thereafter. When they get married, it's more business for me. That is the way I have been doing business without any other marketing since 1978."

Anthony added, "Posty Cards are truly the best high touch investment I've made. It has paid off well; not only do I do more business, but I feel good about myself, and my clients and prospects sense that."