Posty Cards Case Study - Kathy Liguzinski


Kathy Liguzinski,
The Medicare Plan Store

The Challenge

Kathy created her own business, The Medicare Plan Store, in 2011. They have a total of 3 employees and several independent insurance agents that report to them. They needed an affordable way to stay in touch with their clients and generate referrals.


The Medicare Plan Store is an independent insurance company that educates and guides individuals through the planning process of Medicare. They sell the health insurance that goes with Medicare to seniors. Kathy found Posty Cards on the internet about five years ago after receiving a sample card. She found that the quality and cost of our cards were what she was looking for.

The Results

The Medicare Plan Store’s clients range from ages 65 to 95 years old. They send a birthday card to each one of them every year. In addition, Kathy puts a magnet or business card in the card. They personalize the cards by hand-writing a message, signing the card, and addressing the envelope. Kathy says they are sending about 1200 cards per year which is a great increase since she started with only sending to 150 people in 2011. Kathy buys a new batch of birthday cards every year so no one gets the same card. Kathy says, “Our Posty Cards order always comes in a timely manner and the quality is great.” She says that they really take the time to pick out the cards to match their clientele.

“Sending the birthday cards are our major marketing tool. Our clients love the cards and we get several calls or emails every week thanking us for the birthday card. Many also say "Oh by the way, I gave your name to my neighbor who is turning 65, they are going to call you." There is nothing better than a referral! The birthday card is a happy moment and they are thinking of The Medicare Plan Store, it's a great touch to our clients.”