Posty Cards Case Study - Kim McRee


Kim McRee, Sales Assistant

The Challenge

Kim McRee is a Sales Assistant with Barnes Pettey Financial Advisors, LLC, an independent registered investment advisory firm located in Grenada, MS. For more than 35 years, Barnes Pettey has been providing comprehensive financial planning and wealth management services to individuals, families, and small businesses. Through the company’s history, maintaining client loyalty and long-term relationships has been an important component in its ability to help its clients achieve their long-term financial goals.


When Kim joined the company in 2003, she brought with her a certain instinct about how small businesses create strong customer loyalty as her parents owned an independent insurance agency. One of the most successful tools they had used for staying in touch with their customers was sending Posty Cards on special occasions. Kim remembered how important this gesture was for the people who received the cards over the years.

So she started buying and sending Posty Cards when she joined Barnes Pettey. She sends Christmas cards every year, along with about 50 birthday cards each month. On top of that she sends cards for new babies, get well wishes and thinking of you, whenever appropriate.

The Results

Given the feedback Kim receives, she is certain that greeting cards are an effective way to build and strengthen business relationships. “I have had several clients tell me that the birthday card they received from Barnes Pettey was the only recognition they had for their birthday,” she said. “People really appreciate it when someone takes the time to remember their special day.”

In fact, according to Kim, Barnes Pettey has a strong client retention. “When people realize that their financial advisor really cares about them – and shows it on an on-going basis – they become loyal to your brand.” She is convinced that much of the company’s client retention is due to the cards they send.

Kim is also sold on the cost effectiveness of using Posty Cards as a business retention tool. When she compared the cost of the Posty Cards she sends to the price of the cards she receives in her office from competitors – which are often $2 to $3 per card – she knew it was well worth it.

In addition to sending cards to current clients, Kim says she sends birthday cards to their children. In many cases, adult children have now become Barnes Pettey clients as well. She calls this “retention through the next generation.”

Kim is sensitive to the regulatory requirements placed upon the financial services industry when it comes to sending mailings to clients. But since Barnes Pettey is simply sending individual greeting cards with only a personal message and NO mention of any investments, there is no concern. “This makes Posty Cards a very effective tool for staying in touch with our clients,” she said.

“People who are in the financial service business who don’t send cards are missing a wonderful opportunity to strengthen customer loyalty.”