Posty Cards Case Study - Theresa Scioli


Theresa Scioli, VIP Insurance Agency

The Challenge

Theresa Scioli, in charge of the marketing department at VIP Insurance Agency in Edmond, Oklahoma, uses greeting cards as a tool to remind customers that VIP Insurance cares about them personally since they do not see them often. They are dedicated to treating each customer as a VIP and pride themselves on covering different insurance needs. However, Theresa was finding that birthday cards were very expensive in stores. They ended up buying cards from the dollar store which meant she was taking an extra trip once a month and the cards were $1 each. She was having trouble finding a good selection of cards she liked at a reasonable price.


VIP Insurance Agency is a family owned and operated independent agency since 2009. They heard about Posty Cards through a catalog they received in the mail and started sending out greeting cards. β€œWe have multiple clients tell us they love getting our mail and we are one of the only REAL Birthday cards they receive,” said Theresa. In addition, they send out a nice Thank You card for their new clients. She loves the pre-made optional notes because they are absolutely perfectly written and save them a lot of time! They also send out birthday cards, Christmas cards and thank you notes every time a client renews with them.

The Results

Theresa likes the fact that she is able to choose from a large selection of cards that look professional at a great cost. Theresa confirms, β€œIt has saved us a lot of time and money!” Also, the agency loves the foil lined envelopes and being able to put their return address on the outside.

β€œThe extra few cents makes a very huge difference in the way our cards look to our clients! Plus adding all the extras that make us look more professional doesn't even add up to what we were paying for dollar store cards!”